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Exploring Karmic Lessons Through Nuclear Hexagrams

Karmic lessons, derived from nuclear hexagrams (Hu Guà), illuminate fundamental themes and challenges in our lives. They are intertwined with the doctrine of reincarnation, wherein our soul evolves through multiple lifetimes. Each hexagram symbolizes unique energies and life lessons that we must integrate into various aspects of our existence. Noticing repeated nuclear hexagrams while consulting the I Ching can indicate the karmic lessons relevant at that moment. This interplay between karma, reincarnation, and the symbolism of the I Ching offers insights into our spiritual development.

A poetic representation of karma and reincarnation

With every question or situation presented to the I Ching, you receive an answer in the form of a hexagram. Within this hexagram, you can find a wealth of information: not only wisdom and insight about the present, but it also clarifies why you find yourself in the current situation you've inquired about. Additionally, it reveals your karmic tasks or lessons. These are represented by a nuclear hexagram, derived from the initial hexagram.

Nuclear hexagrams

Each individual is born under the influence of one or more nuclear hexagrams, which illuminate the fundamental themes and challenges of their life. In the doctrine of reincarnation, it's believed that our soul undergoes multiple lifetimes to evolve and learn lessons. These karmic tasks or lessons are part of the person's larger spiritual path, aiming to be understood, integrated, and transcended across various incarnations. Each hexagram represents a specific energy, situation, or life lesson that you must understand and integrate. These lessons can manifest in various aspects of life, such as love, family, work, sports achievements, spiritual development, societal position, health, and so forth.


It's impossible to separate reincarnation from karma; these two are intricately connected. When the soul incarnates in the material world, it brings along several karmic lessons, tasks, or situations it wishes to undergo. This may be something new, or there could be lessons, tasks, or situations that weren't completed in a previous earthly existence. Consider sudden death in a wartime situation, during a crime, or an accident. During those times, the karmic lessons were not completed; they find their continuation in the current incarnation. What often occurs is that when you incarnate, it might be as someone from your family a few generations back, or as someone who influenced changes within that family structure.


The I Ching comprises 16 nuclear hexagrams - divided into 12 karmic hexagrams (23, 24, 27, 28, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 53, and 54) and 4 cosmic hexagrams (1, 2, 63, and 64). Through regular consultation of the I Ching, you'll notice that certain nuclear hexagrams appear more frequently than others. From this, you could infer what your karmic lesson is currently. Karma is an intriguing subject; hence, it's not uncommon for consultants to often inquire about their karmic lessons during a consultation. It's always beautiful to know what your karmic lesson is; however, you can't do much further with it. There's no shortcut to experiencing your karmic lesson so that you can deny, ignore, or avoid the current situation. Your karmic lesson is automatically experienced and processed when you've gone through and learned from your situation.

In light of these insights, this intertwining of karma, reincarnation, and the I Ching invites you to deeper self-examination and spiritual growth. By embracing and integrating karmic lessons, we can live more consciously and navigate our life paths with greater understanding and compassion. Let the symbolism of the I Ching consult you, not only to find answers but also to remind us of the deep connection between our current experiences, our past lives, and your future growth.

Elwin - ITjingman

“Always have absolute trust that the universe has something better planned for you."

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