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I Ching in several sessions around a professional change

Updated: Mar 14

I Ching consultation

Sometimes you have to face professional changes: a new boss, new responsibilities, new colleagues, a new way of working and adaptation is not always easy. We can feel frustrated, angry, ignored, misunderstood, pushed aside, denigrated and want to give up on everything without asking for anything else. In this type of case where emotions take over, preventing us from seeing the situation clearly, an I Ching consultation can only be beneficial. This allows us to better define what bothers us, to take a step back and to feel at the end of the session that we know a little better where to go and how to proceed.

This is what happened to Pearl. Having worked as a pharmacist for 30 years, the pharmacy where she worked was sold to a new boss. The adaptation is tough and the temptation to resign is strong. Let's discover the advice of the I Ching along three sessions, as the situation evolves, over three months.


1st Consultation - Announcement of the sale

(January 2024)

The sale has been confirmed. Pearl has heard about the new boss, these changes will take place in a few days and do not bode well in her opinion. She feels trapped, fatalistic, with a sword of Damocles hanging over her head. She is afraid of having to leave her comfort zone, of not being able to communicate with him and even less of negotiating her departure.

Her question: Should she leave the pharmacy as soon as possible, as long as her former boss, a well-known face, is still there to discuss it?

The situation : Hexagram 5 - Waiting

Everything happens in its time, calm down, relax. Knowing how to wait is not always easy, but as legitimate as it may be, our aspirations are one thing and the external situation is another. You are like the captain who has repainted his boat, washed the deck, filled the lazaret, hoisted the sails, and can only wait for the wind to pick up.

You should be at peace with yourself and yet you find it difficult to control anxiety. Know how to wait, without fear or doubt. Something is brewing, free yourself from tension, stop feeling gloomy and take advantage of the wait to do yourself and those around you good.

Perspective : Hexagram 50 - The Cauldron

This hexagram evokes a slow and underground transformation, a positive evolution in progress. You can sleep soundly, the situation that is causing you problems contains in itself the elements of its transformation, it would therefore be useless to try to force things, because everything will naturally fall into place. Don't forget to nourish your mind, your inner life.

The nuclear : Hexagram 38 - Opposition

The nuclear is the wisest attitude to adopt. This involves dealing with the impossibility of dialogue when two wills oppose each other. This is the case for Pearl, who hesitates to leave her job while her husband, who would like to enjoy retirement with her, strongly insists that she make this decision as quickly as possible, which creates tensions. The hexagram evokes the awareness of a distance: the resulting feeling of loneliness must be combatted by all means because it risks degenerating into resentment and aggression. It's an invitation to discover the other in their differences and to make them accept yours. Work to reestablish communication without giving up your point of view.

The complementary : Hexagram 35 - Progress

The oppositional relationship between Waiting and Progress lies at the level of the effort and its field of application. By refusing to worry about the fact that we are unable to act, we can take advantage of this time to relax and be ready when the time for action returns (which will therefore consist of putting ourselves in the light). , but not now).

In conclusion: you have to be patient, trying not to suffer from too much anxiety, refocusing on pleasant activities, while working on reestablishing communication within the couple.


2nd Consultation - The new setup

(February 2024)

Two weeks ago, the work with the new boss began. Everything is different: the software for processing prescriptions, schedules, products, even the layout of the space has nothing to do with the last 30 years. The days are interesting but exhausting, there are a lot of deliveries to unpack, and to top it all off, Pearl's colleague seems to get along wonderfully with the new boss while she loses confidence in herself, her experience, her value, and no longer knows where to stand.

His question: The situation is unstable and unsustainable, is it reasonable to resign?

The situation : Hexagram 3 - Difficulty at the beginning

The difficulties of beginnings respond to all the situations that we face for the first time, to those abundant and disorderly moments where immense vitality and big bouts of fatigue, enthusiasm and discouragement, bubbling creativity and breakdowns of ideas alternate.

Temper your desire to rush forward by confronting yourself with objective reality, and start sorting out small worries and big problems, the urgent and the less urgent. All of this describes word for word the disordered feelings inside Pearl, and encourages her to pause in her mind.

Perspective : Hexagram 37 - The clan

This hexagram is all about the desire to belong to a clan, here that of the pharmacy. This reflects Pearl's frustration at not finding her place in the new structure, and the recommendation here is to persevere by demonstrating adaptability, availability and listening skills.

The nuclear : Hexagram 35 - Progress

This time, the attitude to adopt is to shine the light, not to give up on asserting yourself: you must overcome your fears and forget your reluctance, come out of the darkness and show the world what you are capable of! It means accepting a position of responsibility, a position that will allow you to showcase your intelligence and your competence.

The complementary : Hexagram 50 - The cauldron

Here we find the Cauldron again, but this time as a complementary opposite. The oppositional relationship between Initial Difficulties and Cauldron revolves around the swing between beginning and end. Initial Difficulties describes the confusion of a beginning while Cauldron symbolizes the perfection of a completion. The work of organizing new forces is opposed by the slow work of refining old forces.

In conclusion: note how hexagram 35 - Progress is no longer complementary (or opposite of the situation, that is to say what it is not), but has become the nuclear - i.e. the attitude to adopt, put yourself forward, have confidence in your professional value to overcome the difficulties of the beginning and create a connection with the new boss. Note also that hexagram 50, the cauldron and its slow transformation have returned but this time as the opposite. The messages are constant and change place as the situation evolves.


3rd Consultation - Leave on good terms

(March 2024)

Following the last consultation, Pearl gathered up her courage and opened up to her boss about the difficulties she was encountering, particularly in finding her place in this new group, having felt confident professionally for so long. Her boss is surprised, reassures her, he knows her value and her abilities and leaves her free rein. However, he understands her desire to turn the page and agrees to make a deal and let her go, on the condition of making a decision quickly.

Her question: Should she stay at the pharmacy and work to overcome the difficulties?

The situation : Hexagram 21 - Biting Through

You must intervene energetically. Without resolute action on your part, the current mess can only get worse. As the hexagram delicately reminds Pearl, a decision is necessary, in one direction or the other. The hexagram represents an open mouth: the first and last Yang lines are the lips, the Yin lines are the teeth and the fourth Yang line represents a very tough mouthful of food into which one must bite with energy; in fact, it is impossible to bring the lips together before having disintegrated what is causing the blockage. It tells us about a major obstacle that hinders harmony and union.

Perspective : Hexagram 32 – Duration

The perspective here is centered on marriage, on a couple relationship that will last, and speaks of endurance. We must move forward, without turning back, there is no question of stopping. It is a notion of movement with the quiet assurance of someone who knows where she is going and does not change her mind along the way.

The nuclear : Hexagram 39 - Obstruction

Again, the message is that of an obstacle, as previously established in the situation. In the nuclear, the wisest behavior to adopt is to deal with this obstacle. We must recognize the obstacle for what it is, look it in the face without burying our heads in the sand or allowing ourselves to be paralyzed. We must give it the importance it deserves, take the necessary step back to evaluate it more realistically. Look within yourself and seek outside help.

The complementary : Hexagram 48 - The Well

The oppositional relationship between Bite through and Well is at the level of the way of accessing what nourishes and binds. In one, solid food evocative of the vigorous attitude which allows us to destroy what prevents the energies from coming together. In the other, clear and fluid water rising slowly along the hexagram. We cannot fill a well, we can only patiently promote its functioning through a Yin attitude. Biting through is, on the other hand, the situation where the firmest and most active intervention in the entire I Ching is recommended.

In conclusion, the message is rather clear, encouraging Pearl to accept the new boss's offer in order to refocus on lasting union, marriage, remove the obstacle and in this case, the approach of retirement to restore inner peace and harmony in the couple.

Sources of interpretation:

“Prenez les bonnes décisions avec le Yi King” by Nathalie Chassériau

“Yi Jing, le livre des changements" by Cyrille Javary

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