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Hexagram 1: 乾 - The Creative

Updated: Mar 22

The I Ching holds profound wisdom and guidance for navigating life's complexities. At its core lies a system of hexagrams, each representing a unique aspect of existence. Let's delve into the symbolism and interpretation of the first hexagram, Qian, uncovering its rich layers of meaning and practical insights.

Hexagram 1 - The Creative

Exploring the Essence of Qian

The first Hexagram in the I Ching is named (qián), meaning "force", "the creative", "strong action", "the key", "God", and "source".

First phrase

The first phrase of the text is: 乾:元亨,利貞 and translates to English as: "Qian shows us what is great, originating, penetrating, advantageous, correct and firm".

Word by word translation

  • (Qian): translated as "The Creative," "Force," represents the sky, heaven, and the ultimate unconditioned, creative force in the universe.

  • (Yuan): translated as "initiating," "beginning," or "primary," indicates the starting point of this original force.

  • (Heng): means "success," "smooth," and "unimpeded," as in prosperity proceeding smoothly.

  • (Li): Means "beneficial," "advantageous," or "profitable," meaning good will.

  • (Zheng): Refers to "upright," "righteous," or "correctness," often associated with moral integrity and adherence to principles.

Therefore, the phrase 乾:元亨,利貞 contains the core of the first hexagram; the goodness of taking creative initiative, the value of success, and the importance of uprightness and integrity.

Elaborating on Qian's Message


”Vast is the great and originating power initiated by Qian! All things owe to it their beginning: it contains all the meaning belonging to the name of heaven. The clouds move and the rain is distributed; the various things appear in their developed forms. The sages grandly understand the connection between the end and the beginning, and how the indications of the six lines in the hexagram are accomplished, each in its season. Accordingly they mount the carriage drawn by the six dragons at the proper times, and ride through the sky. The method of Qian is to change and transform, so that everything obtains its correct nature as appointed by the mind of Heaven; and thereafter the conditions of great harmony are preserved in union. The result is advantageous, correct and firm. The sage appears aloft, high above all things, and all the states enjoy repose.”

Practical Application

”The sages grandly understand the connection between the end and the beginning”

Initially, the core symbols of the I Ching were employed as a system of notation—a tool to categorize and connect various elements and ideas (much like a symbolic version of the periodic system). Over time, this system transcended its rudimentary origins to become a metaphoric language capable of articulating many complex relationships and processes. It makes up a unique form of logic that maps out the courses of actions and events, reflecting the natural order and the principles of cause and effect.

This symbolic language gives insight into the paradoxes of the cosmos, the natural world, and human affairs, while presenting a holistic view of the interconnectedness of all things.

”They mount the carriage drawn by the six dragons at the proper times”

The imagery of “riding the six dragons” suggests harnessing and unifying the power of our human six senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and proprioception/sense of body position and movement) in harmony with the natural order of things, so to embody the ideal qualities of leadership, strength, and moral integrity that the “Creative” hexagram demands.

Metaphoric conclusion


This translates to English as: "Heaven, in its motion, is the spirit of strength; the superior man, in alignment with heaven, nerves himself/gathers courage for ceaseless activity.”

Therefore, Bee the Creative, and Bee Brave,

Brave Dave 🐝👊🙏🌍⭐️⚔️

BraveDave is a transformative leader, empathetic listener, and a creative catalyst for turning visions into reality. He is an expert with a unique combination of skills in psychology, graphical design, philosophy, personal development, and communication — leveraging his deep understanding of these areas, to provide insightful guidance and innovative solutions.

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